With this you can repair derelict Hornby snowploughs or even make your own from a scrap van. Please see ‘Chris Ford’ note below.
Our cowls are supplied unpainted in nickel-silver and are assembled to order as there were several variants during Hornby production.
When ordering you need to tell us -
1) Is it to fix to the van body with a) two eyelets through the buffer holes and a tab or -
b)with three tabs (look for three slots in the body end) or -
c) (for scratch-builds) three screw-holes?
2) In direction of travel is the chute to a) left or b) right of centre?
3) In direction of travel would the chute throw snow a) to the left or b) to the right?
4) Is the plough to carry a headlight? a) Yes b) No
Please specify your version as answers to the questionnaire thus - "1a,2b,3b,4a"
For scratch-builders we recommend the 1c option where we remove all three tabs to leave screw-holes/slots.
To identify the right type for your Hornby plough we recommend the Graebe/New Cavendish 'bible' on Hornby 0-gauge which illustrates snowplough variants. It appears on eBay from time to time..