A final word -
Your enquiries are always welcome.
Emails are perfect for setting the facts down and doing the business but sometimes a ‘phone call helps to resolve matters. I will never ignore an enquiry. (It happens to me. I could never be so discourteous!)
Because of cold-callers and scammers we were forced to install a call-blocking telephone system. It will invite you to announce yourself. Please do so and we’ll gladly handle your enquiry.
Derek Strickland Progress Products 2 Boatleys Cottages Kemnay Aberdeenshire AB51 5NA
Tel. +44 (0)1467 642439
Your new supplier for couplings and small parts is resident in France. He is fluent in English. Email is the more practical way to commumicate.
Eirl Gabriel Mouilhade "Esson trains d'autrefois "
6 rue des tourelles
91000 EVRY
Website https://trains-autrefois.com/en/
Email eirlgabrielmouilhade@orange.fr